Members of datatype and DateTime, TimeSpan
In this article we will see members of C# datatypes. Members of datatype Members of numerical datatype Experimenting with the intrinsic C# data types, understand that the numerical types of .NET support MaxValue and MinValue properties that provide information regarding the range a given type can store. In addition to the MinValue/MaxValue properties, a given numerical system type may define further useful members. For example, the System.Double type allows you to obtain the values for epsilon and infinity which might be of interest to those of you with a mathematical flare. Lets understand that by a simple program: Program using System; public class ConsoleApp { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Members of numerical datatype:"); Console.WriteLine("Max value of Int: {0}",int.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine("Min value of Int: {0}",int.MinValue); Console.WriteLine(...