In this article we will learn about for loop in Java.
The Java for loop is used to iterate a part of the program several times. If the number of iteration is fixed, it is recommended to use for loop.
Here, i=1 is an initialization from where the for loop starts. i<=5 condition where for loop ends. i++ is incrementation which increment the i variable in each iteration.
Remember that in this for loop variable i is accessible only through this for loop. Outside of for loop variable i is not accessible.
2. for each loop
for(Type var:array){
//code to be executed
publicclass foreach
publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
int arr[] = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
for(int i : arr)
In this for each we can say variable i as container for array element. In every iteration of loop index of array is incremented and that element is stored in container.
3. Labbled for loop
//code to be executed
publicclass labled_for
publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=5; j++)
if(j==3) break jloop;
System.out.println(i + "-" + j);
Here, we named for loop with variable i as iloop and for loop with variable j as jloop. When condition i==3 becomes true iloop will break while jloop continue to iterate.
Infinite for loop
If you use two semicolons ;; in the for loop, it will be infinitive for loop.
Like any programming language, C# defines keywords for fundamental data types, which are used to represent local variables, class data member variables, method return values, and parameters. Unlike other programming languages, however, these keywords are much more than simple compiler- recognized tokens. Rather, the C# data type keywords are actually shorthand notations for full-blown types in the System namespace. Table lists each system data type, its range, the corresponding C# keyword, and the type’s compliance with the common language specification (CLS). C# keyword System type Range Meaning CLS complaint? bool System.Boolean true or false Represents truth or falsity Yes sbyte System.SByte -128 to 127 signed 8-bit number No byte System.Byte 0 to 255 Unsigned 8-bit ...
In this article we will see this keyword in Java. this keyword in Java this keyword in Java is a special keyword which can be used to represent current object or instance of any class in Java. “this” keyword can also call constructor of same class in Java and used to call overloaded constructor. In this article we will see how to use this keyword in Java and different examples. this sometime also associate with super keyword which is used to denote instance of super class in Java and can be used to call overloaded constructor in Java. 6 usage of this keyword 1. to refer current class instance variable Program //Java code for using 'this' keyword to //refer current class instance variables class demo { int a; int b; // parameterized constructor demo(int a, int b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } void display() { //displays the value of variables a and b System.out.println("a = "...
In this article we will see members of C# datatypes. Members of datatype Members of numerical datatype Experimenting with the intrinsic C# data types, understand that the numerical types of .NET support MaxValue and MinValue properties that provide information regarding the range a given type can store. In addition to the MinValue/MaxValue properties, a given numerical system type may define further useful members. For example, the System.Double type allows you to obtain the values for epsilon and infinity which might be of interest to those of you with a mathematical flare. Lets understand that by a simple program: Program using System; public class ConsoleApp { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Members of numerical datatype:"); Console.WriteLine("Max value of Int: {0}",int.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine("Min value of Int: {0}",int.MinValue); Console.WriteLine(...
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